
Sunday, 1 February 2015

EF#3 Gadget Affects Our Life

Yeay, it's the second week theme of English Friday BEC, "Gadget Affects Our Life". I should post on time next chance.

Nowadays, gadget is a kind of primer need as well as meal and housing. People  in various age use gadget in their life. Show me if you can find any society without gadget. It will be tough, I think.

To describe how gadget affects human life, I'd explain in short comparison of the era before and after the existing of gadget. The definition of gadget itself is widely numerous so I make it spesific as mobile phone and computer.


[Before Gadget's Era]
It took longer to communicate with people in far miles away from us. You needed to write a letter first then wished a postman to help you taking your letter into someone. Even, long time ago, you depended on a bird just to take your letter.

Everything was done manually, from basic activities like writing, counting, reading till spesific activities like trading, searching information, chatting, or gaming.

But, in that time, people were in high intense communication even it needed more effort, because they talked each other directly. Then, since eveything was not easy done, people appreciated every detailed process, and they got more comprehension. In that time, people was living depend in each other.

You got the point, didn't you?

[After Gadget's Era]
Life is significant easier because of gadget. I won't explain more what we can do with gadget, because we experience it, even I could post this blog because of gadget. In addition, gadget is manifestation of progressive intelligent of human.

Unfortunately, the headway of gadget isn't balanced to attitude of society. The sophisticated of technology obtains instant and selfish mental ill. Hardly to admit it, sometime we lost a quality relationship because of gadget.

Besides, the acceleration of news spreading in this era make us too lazy re-check the truth of information. We receive information -and easily we called it knowledge- from wide sources, both credible and uncredible source. We know a lot of matters but little of understanding. It's not for every people indeed, but commonly happen in society.


So, what I can conclude from this post is, gadget affects human way of life both in positive and negative side. After you know that facts, it's your choice how u use your gadget wisely.

Waaaw, I was surprised for what I just write btw... :D

See you next week!

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