
Monday, 26 January 2015

EF#1 Word(s) For 2015

Based on this post before, I start to chase left themes for English Friday. Since BEC was just formed in 2015, the first theme of English Friday is dedicated for 2015, it is "Word(s) For 2015".

I leaved 2014 with so many dramatic scenes of life. I got pathetic surprise in (my) December. But, then I realized that my problems weren't as big as those. I could feel the presence of majesty of Allah.

I would start my 2015 with special word(s)

When people pass the hardest of their life, they need to move on. The process of moving on is necessary to accept their past and start over new page. For me, it has to be more than (just) move on. I must go move up. It means being better, achieve higher, feel more precious moment in next future -2015-.

The second term of move up, I think, I want my 2015 is a year for me to close by Allah, the one and only God. It means that I should improve -me and Allah- relationship.

In my mind, when I desire a huge wishes, it's not right that I never asked Allah with a way of Allah wants from me. So, "move up" isn't just an effort to cure the pain, but it's to welcome a new of me.

I'll be stuggle.
Welcome, 2015

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