
Monday, 28 December 2015

It Is (Not) Special Birthday


It's not my special birthday yet
There is no birthday cake, there is no surprise, or even greeting from some people
It's a quiet birthday
No reminder, no sharing

My 26th birthday was coming when I was not in my own home
I didn't meet my parents, whole of family, or collagues since of my resignation

I spended that day with my self, my husband, and my husband's family
They didn't celebrate any kind of birthday event
The day when we were born is just as same as another days, we lost one year old, what to celebrate

I'm kinda little sad
I miss my mom and dad
I close the day while yearning them, can't hold my tears drop even

Before I fall asleep, I said many thankiss for my husband
He changes my life
What a misterious Allah way
Last year on this date, I got my bloom birthday, stuck in -useless- deep sad


Yes, I know that day was not my special birthday
But, then Allah give a late surprise amazing gift...

See you on next post when I know what I really get after this

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